Welcome To GD Goenka Public School Model Town

G.D. Goenka Public School Model Town is a co-educational secondary school affiliated to CBSE. Started in year 2012, it inculcates in students, the ability to become Higher, Stronger and Brighter in every field of life. School is committed to an exceptionally caring ethos, progress, maturity and development of the students with unique learning approach.

Being one of the premier institutions of the country, school aims at holistic development of students and caters to both curricular and co-curricular aspects of education. Students are encouraged to appreciate traditional values and culture, while achieving their aspirations.


International School Award

Generation Global Award

Global Sustainable Award

 Microsoft Certified School


 Highlights Class X & XII

Notice Board

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“ PRE-BOARD-2 Exam Datesheet Grade-X 2024-25"
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“Nursery Admission 2025-26 OPEN"
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“Unit Test-II Exam Datesheet 2024-25"
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“ Unit Test-II Exam Datesheet 2024-25"
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“Arushan 2024 Glimpses"

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“ PRE-BOARD-1 Exam Datesheet 2024-25"
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*Grade-X Syllabus Click here download
*Grade-XII Syllabus Click here download
“ Swachhata Pakhwada 2024"
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“CBSE Result Class-X and XII 2023-24 "
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“Date sheet Pre Board-1 for Class-X and XII"
Click here to view Date sheet

“Clean nation is our priority, every citizen is our pride. Let's make country proud , with cleanliness all around."


Motto ” Higher Stronger Brighter “

– Empowerment through education

– Nurturing influential decision makers

– Promoting creativity & innovation

– Shared Vision to shape the future

– Experimenting with solutions for global problems


School aims to develop students who

– are reflective thinkers

– understand their own strengths and limitations

– are willing to accept new challenges and roles

– will become responsible leaders for tomorrow

– are balanced and  find significance in a range of activities involving intellectual, creative and emotional experiences.

Our Achievement

“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” ~ Zig Ziglar.










“Together may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly”

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  • The efforts of the teachers and children are incredible. The decoration, the play, dances, songs, .... everything was very well organised and planned. The changes we see in our children 's performances due to continuance effort of the school. Harneet mam is really a wonderful teacher. The way she guides and explain things to students is really appreciated and also reduces parents effort towards their child. Ayaan is really impressed with Charu mam and her involvement in the presentation.Thanks Goenka for wonderful effort.

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    • Parents of Ayaan Grade: III
  • Kudos! To team goenka

    A day well spent dipped in immense talent of Goenkans including all kids, teachers and supporting staff . We could feel the energy oozing out from all corners of the stage . Involving every child and encouraging them to participate without pushing them in rat race is commendable. Very proud to see the dedication and hard work entire staff exhibited .. our respect and love is all your way. Three cheers !! 

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    • Parents of Anhad Jain
  • I would like to thank the entire staff behind the success of beautiful class presentation of 3rd grade .Teacher’s have definitely put in the best foot forward and the children have out performed themselves. It was a beautiful treat to our eyes watching our kids performing on stage. Thank you for making us proud. We could feel the positive vibes around the corner .Thank you for guiding them always. Looking forward for more such events. Three cheer’s for the staff

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    • Parents of Shanaya Arora (Grade 3-E)
  • This day when teachers and students came together for such a beautiful presentation is embarked on my memories forever. It was overwhelming experience watching them so confident on stage. Charu mam , dance teachers , class teacher gurpreet mam, and all others it is my deeply thank you to u all for making the AHAAN,a shining star and taking out his talent to act and sing. Thank you once again. Seeking for more and more presentation like these in future for more stage exposure. NEHA

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    • Parents of Mrs.Neha
  • A big Thank you for putting up such a great show.We were awestruck by the performance and connection kid shared with you all.Hats off to the hard work the teachers have put in with little ones. I would like to thank all teachers for bringing the best from each Goenkan.I was thrilled to see the performace of every child Kudos to the entire team. Proud moment.

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    • Parents of Jivraaj Gupta 3B
  • Heartly appreciated efforts of all the teachers and students to make this event victorious by embibing in them social and spritual values of our country. We also appreciate Harneet Ma'am (class teacher )who indvidualy made an efforts to rejuvenate each and every child of her class when ever they were little weary or exhausted due to change in weather. Thank you to GD GOENKA FAMILY to make our kids 'self assured'.

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    • Parents of Samarth Mehra
  • It was lovely to see kids performing so well… they are growing in a good way.. it was so well planned n well managed

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    • Parent of Grade-I
  • Kudos to grade 1 teachers and students for such awesome performances..As parents it was wonderful to see our kids perform so well

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    • Parent of Grade-I
  • Thanks to GDGPS for having us over for a fun filled event....very well organised...thanks to Juhi maam and all the other teachers involved for putting in the hard work to bring this all together....thanks to everyone's comsistent efforts....its always a pleasure to see our kids perform...hoping to be a part of another event soon 😍

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    • Parent of Stavya Bansal 1-B
  • Amazing efforts by all the teachers and students👍 Superb show, very well presented and each and every kid was so happy. Big thanks to Saloni mam for always being so supportive and just a message away for any query. Parachute Performance was so well organized and a delight to watch all the kids perform together . All the performances were superb👍. Looking forward for more such events 😀👍

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    • Mother of Kiyansh Batra Grade-1 E
  • GD Goenka school Truly been a pillar of strength and inspiration in my kid strength. Inspite of having such a rigid schedule during kids training, still each one of you showed your great potential. Thanks for making a strong team..Thank you team mates for conquering this season. I just hope and each one of us will work with whole dedication and hard work to achieve such successes in our kids coming life... Special thanks for saloni ma'am. She is very good teacher.she worries for kids future.

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    • Parent of Myra Singh 1-E

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